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Breast Cancer Disparities in the USA and
Sub-Saharan Africa

Dr. Swahn has teamed up with internationally renowned breast cancer scholar Dr. Ritu Aneja at Georgia State University to better understand the causes and correlates of breast cancer disparities. Dr. Ritu is a Distinguished University Professor in Biology. Read more about their collaborations to understand how neighborhood disadvantage, health behaviors including alcohol use contribute to breast cancer among women in the USA and Nigeria. Together they are also determining capacity needs for conducting more breast cancer research in low-income settings such as Nigeria.

Nwagu BC Disparities West Africa 2021.PNG


Triple Negative Breast Cancer Disparities in West Africa

Dr. Aneja has secured funding from the National Cancer Institute (R01CA239120) to examine breast cancer disparities, particularly Triple-Negative Breast Cancer which is associated with African Ancestry among U.S. women. In this article we reviewed both the biologic and sociocultural risk factors for Trible-Negative Breast Cancer among women in West Africa.

Read the open access article 

Dr. Swahn also did a short interview with the Oncology Tube that can be viewed here.



Breast Cancer Research Capacity in Nigeria

Together with Dr. Aneja's extensive network of collaborators in Nigeria, we recently completed a needs assessment for breast cancer across academic and research institutions in Nigeria. Findings are forthcoming. 


Drink Less for your Breasts Campaign  Social Media Tool  Kit

Alcohol and Breast Cancer Awareness among US Women

The Integhral Team,  Dr. Aneja's lab and Priscilla Martinez with the Alcohol Research Group, partnered to implement an online survey of 5,000 women to assess awareness of alcohol as a risk factor for breast cancer among US women. In particular, we wanted to know how women perceived the Drink Less for your Breasts Campaign. The survey was recently completed. Findings are forthcoming. 

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